Roblox Pillow Fight Simulator How To Get Free Pillows

The description says that everyone loves saying free models to everything. The Pillow Fight Simulator. My account: Pillow, other pillows soon. If you want to claim your free pets, take a look at this video from the youtuber Gaming Dan and learn how to redeem the codes: More Roblox Codes – Other Games There are tons of codes for most of the games, so find the game you want in the list provided below and enjoy all the available codes, or find it in the full list of Roblox Games, here. Pillow Fight Simulator is a Free to Play ROBLOX game, owned by jopede. It has you, and many other players from around the world competing with each other to win the round. The game includes various game-modes that will keep you playing for hours on end. While the game is completely free to play, it includes optional ROBUX purchases to buy different types of pillows to use during rounds.

It’s what every man imagines happening at girly sleepovers (and what every girl knows generally does not happen-sorry guys)…I’m talking about the often over-sexualized and highly underestimated pillow fight!

Thanks to movies and the media, the term pillow fight generally elicits images of underwear clad girls giggling, bouncing effortlessly on the bed (often in slow motion), and casually attacking each other with pillows. While this image is surely the fantasy of young boys and grown men alike, it is not necessarily the reality of pillow fighting.

Sorry guys, pillow fighting doesn’t look anything like this.

With the fantasy ruined, it’s time to take a closer look at how and why you should have a pillow fight.

Why Pillow Fight?

This is a question that I can honestly say as a 30-something year old adult, I had never really considered until recently. But while babysitting several of my nieces and nephews last week, I was re-introduced to the world of pillow fighting—and while it did not involve any underwear clad girls, it was probably the most fun I had had in a while.

Pillow fights are mainly known for being a source of entertainment at sleepovers for young girls and college co-eds alike. However, my recent pillow fight experience has me urging you to not rule yourself out of pillow fighting fun just yet, even if you don’t fit into one of those categories.

Pillow fighting can serve as a seriously fun and playful way to release pent-up anger or stress. Aside from the physical stress-release that pillow fighting inspires, it will likely have you doubling over in laughter as well. Known to be one of the most effective stress-busting therapies, laughter increases your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates major organs, and seriously increases the endorphin flow from your brain.1

Throw in the major calorie burn that can come from swinging those goose-down cushions around and the question really becomes, why not pillow fight? It’s the ultimate work out for all ages!

Choose your weapon

As you might be aware, there are many different types of pillows. Unfortunately, not all of them are suitable for pillow fighting.

Your heavy duty buckwheat pillow may provide the perfect support for your neck at night but you might as well use a cinder-block. The darn thing will knock your opponent out cold. If you actually want to cause harm, stick to the traditional fist fight. But that really isn’t the point of a pillow fight.

The best pillows for fighting are soft and have some give. While feather or down pillows work best, you can any pillow that can be classified as plush such as:

  • soft synthetic fill such as polyester
  • low-density foam
  • cotton
  • wool

Sorry natural sleepers, firmer fillings such as Buckwheat hulls, millet or flax-seed are banned from pillow fighting.

While couch pillows and decorative pillows can also be soft enough to use, you will have to make sure that the surface isn’t scratchy. Some decorative pillows have zippers, which is an absolute no-no in the world of pillow fighting.

If you don’t sleep with a pillow then you will have to go out and buy one, just for pillow fighting. Otherwise ask someone who sleeps on more than one pillow to lend you one.

While most pillows are stitched well enough to hold up through a pillow fight, if you are truly worried about ruining your expensive brand new pillow, why not hang onto your old bed pillows that are too soft and lumpy to comfortably sleep on? These pillows are perfect for pillow fighting, and are a great way to recycle those old pillows that you were just going to throw in the trash anyway.

The bottom line: If you can whack someone with it, without causing pain or injury, then it is a suitable pillow for pillow fighting.

Pillow Fights Games and Rules

As with any worthwhile sports game, setting some ground rules is essential. I know what you are thinking…

Rules? Who needs rules for a pillow fight?

While I am not suggesting that you sit down and dictate a full-on rulebook for a simple pillow fight, you do want to ensure that no one ends up smothering each other. Setting a few basic guidelines will keep everyone safe and having fun.

1. No Smothering: Death by pillow fight. While it is interesting news headline, it’s not something you want to have happen to you. Avoid unnecessary fatalities by enforcing a no smothering ground rule from the get go.

2. No Holding: To be fair, if you grab your opponent’s pillow and hold onto it, they really have no chance-by taking and holding onto their soft, fluffy weapon you’ve just given yourself an unfair advantage.

3. Your battleground: Choose where you have your pillow fight carefully. With all that swinging and jumping around, it’s easy to break something.

4. Don’t make a mess: You may have seen in movies how pillow fighting will often lead to a mess of feathers falling through the air. Fortunately, modern pillows are stitched incredibly well and a blow out is rare. That said, if a pillow does burst, it’s time to stop. After all, someone has to clean up that mess.

5. Who Wins: In order to avoid arguments post-fight, figure out how you will determine the winner before you begin. You could instigate a point-system such as two points for every time your partner hits the ground or one point every time your partner cries out for mercy.

6. Play Nice: The final rule is also the most important. Pillow fighting is just a game. If the game turns nasty, it’s time to stop.

Pillow Fighting Games

Tired of simply beating each other senseless with pillows? Why not add a challenge by competing in the following pillow fighting games:

1. King of the ring

Exactly as it sounds. First one to fall to the floor loses. Similar to the Royal Rumble in wrestling, if you are thrown from the ring… you’re out!

If there are only two pillow fighters you can set yourself up on your couch. Both fighters start at either ends of the couch and attempt to knock each other to the floor using only their pillows.

If you have more people involved, a bed really is the only way to go. Each pillow fighter takes a position, evenly spaced, around the bed. Again, all fighters attempt to knock each other off the bed until a single winner remains.

2. Sure Grip

A no hold bars match where the first person to drop their pillow is the loser. If more than one person is fighting, each person who drops their pillow is eliminated until there is only one person left holding their pillow.

Holding, pulling or knocking your opponents pillow with your free hand will result in disqualification.

An added twist on this pillow fight is to make it so that you cannot touch your own pillow with your free hand. This added twist will make readjusting your grip on your pillow much more difficult. To win this game you will need to start the fight with a firm and comfortable grip on your pillow.

Hint: adding a pillow sham to your pillow will give you more surface area to hold on to.

3. Pillow Accordion

Just like it takes two hands to play an accordion, it takes two hands to pillow fight.

All players must keep both hands on their pillows for the entire fight. The moment a hand comes free, that player is eliminated from the fight. The fight continues until there is one person left who has kept a grip of their pillow the entire fight.

4. Pillow Ninja

The lost art of two pillowed fighting.

Each contestant holds a pillow in either hand. Blows are exchanged until one of the fighters drops a pillow. That person is then eliminated. The game continues until there is one person left holding two pillows.

5. Wild West Showdown

This pillow fight game only has two players. Both fighters position themselves opposite each other on the end. Resting on your knees but sitting upright, get as close to the edge of the bed as you can without falling off.

On the count of three, both contestants swing at each other at the same time. Who ever doesn’t fall is the winner.

If neither person falls, examine your sitting position, the idea is to sit as close to the edge of the bed as possible, so that one hit will push you off.

6. Pitch Black Pillow Fight

Want the ultimate challenge? Try having a pillow fight where you cannot see your opponent.

To block out the light, all fighters wear sleep masks. The result is a pillow fight in perfect darkness. No peaking!

Need a good sleep mask? Check out our review of the top sleep masks.

Personalize Your Pillow Fighting

You may think that all pillow fights are the same—grab a feathery weapon and start whacking your opponent until they hit the ground. But there can be so much more to this classic bedroom romp! Come up with some signature moves to really up your pillow fighting game and make it one all your own.

How about a two-handed thwack where you bring the pillow down over your head directly on to your opponents? BOOM! Or maybe try naming a move where you continually attack your opponent’s headspace, perhaps “Light’s Out”.

Don’t forget to have fun by coming up with your ‘stage name’ for your pillow fight extravaganza. My nephew deemed himself the Pillow Pooper Scooper. Don’t ask because I really have no idea how he came up with that but it sounded cute. Pillow fighting is good and silly fun. Choose a name that suits.

pillow fighting with strangers

In recent years, pillow fighting has gone way beyond the bedroom and become somewhat of a trending worldwide phenomenon.

Claiming the title of the world’s largest flash mob, in 2008 a giant pillow fight flash mob occurred in Trafalgar Square. This was definitely one of the largest public pillow fights to ever occur, prompting a pillow fight trend that spread throughout the world.2

Since this 2008 pillow fight spectacle, pillow fights have been gaining popularity at an impressive rate.

Pillow Fight NYC 2016 drew in nearly 10,000 people urging attendees to come “forget their stress and adult worries and (softly) pummel strangers.”3

And then there is professional pillow fighting.

Every summer the World Pillow Fight Championships take place.

Originating in Kenwood, California, the event was originally used to help raise funds to make improvements to the town. 50 years later and travellers from all over the world come to try their hand in the worlds largest pillow fighting competition.4

Contestants sit with a pole between their legs that hovers over a mud pit. The two contestants exchange pillow blows until one of them loses their balance and topples into the mud below.

The competition continues until there is an overall winner who is then crowned the world pillow fight champion.

Who knew that the simple act of pillow fighting had such a depth to it? If you are like me and associated pillow fighting with girly sleepovers and overly sexualized movie scenes… it’s time to change your way of thinking. Pillow fights are now a legitimate form of stress relief, calorie-busting cardio, and a means to bring people together to celebrate community, family, and freedom. At least according to the World Pillow Fighting Championships. But I’ll take it. Will you?

Have you recently had a pillow fight? I would love to hear about it. Share your pillow fight story in the comments below!

It’s what every man imagines happening at girly sleepovers (and what every girl knows generally does not happen-sorry guys)…I’m talking about the often over-sexualized and highly underestimated pillow fight!

Thanks to movies and the media, the term pillow fight generally elicits images of underwear clad girls giggling, bouncing effortlessly on the bed (often in slow motion), and casually attacking each other with pillows. While this image is surely the fantasy of young boys and grown men alike, it is not necessarily the reality of pillow fighting.

Sorry guys, pillow fighting doesn’t look anything like this.

With the fantasy ruined, it’s time to take a closer look at how and why you should have a pillow fight.

Why Pillow Fight?

This is a question that I can honestly say as a 30-something year old adult, I had never really considered until recently. But while babysitting several of my nieces and nephews last week, I was re-introduced to the world of pillow fighting—and while it did not involve any underwear clad girls, it was probably the most fun I had had in a while.

Pillow fights are mainly known for being a source of entertainment at sleepovers for young girls and college co-eds alike. However, my recent pillow fight experience has me urging you to not rule yourself out of pillow fighting fun just yet, even if you don’t fit into one of those categories.

Pillow fighting can serve as a seriously fun and playful way to release pent-up anger or stress. Aside from the physical stress-release that pillow fighting inspires, it will likely have you doubling over in laughter as well. Known to be one of the most effective stress-busting therapies, laughter increases your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates major organs, and seriously increases the endorphin flow from your brain.1

Throw in the major calorie burn that can come from swinging those goose-down cushions around and the question really becomes, why not pillow fight? It’s the ultimate work out for all ages!

Choose your weapon

As you might be aware, there are many different types of pillows. Unfortunately, not all of them are suitable for pillow fighting.

Your heavy duty buckwheat pillow may provide the perfect support for your neck at night but you might as well use a cinder-block. The darn thing will knock your opponent out cold. If you actually want to cause harm, stick to the traditional fist fight. But that really isn’t the point of a pillow fight.

The best pillows for fighting are soft and have some give. While feather or down pillows work best, you can any pillow that can be classified as plush such as:

  • soft synthetic fill such as polyester
  • low-density foam
  • cotton
  • wool

Sorry natural sleepers, firmer fillings such as Buckwheat hulls, millet or flax-seed are banned from pillow fighting.

While couch pillows and decorative pillows can also be soft enough to use, you will have to make sure that the surface isn’t scratchy. Some decorative pillows have zippers, which is an absolute no-no in the world of pillow fighting.

If you don’t sleep with a pillow then you will have to go out and buy one, just for pillow fighting. Otherwise ask someone who sleeps on more than one pillow to lend you one.

While most pillows are stitched well enough to hold up through a pillow fight, if you are truly worried about ruining your expensive brand new pillow, why not hang onto your old bed pillows that are too soft and lumpy to comfortably sleep on? These pillows are perfect for pillow fighting, and are a great way to recycle those old pillows that you were just going to throw in the trash anyway.

The bottom line: If you can whack someone with it, without causing pain or injury, then it is a suitable pillow for pillow fighting.

Roblox Pillow Fight Simulator How To Get Free Pillows Without

Pillow Fights Games and Rules

As with any worthwhile sports game, setting some ground rules is essential. I know what you are thinking…

Rules? Who needs rules for a pillow fight?

While I am not suggesting that you sit down and dictate a full-on rulebook for a simple pillow fight, you do want to ensure that no one ends up smothering each other. Setting a few basic guidelines will keep everyone safe and having fun.

1. No Smothering: Death by pillow fight. While it is interesting news headline, it’s not something you want to have happen to you. Avoid unnecessary fatalities by enforcing a no smothering ground rule from the get go.

2. No Holding: To be fair, if you grab your opponent’s pillow and hold onto it, they really have no chance-by taking and holding onto their soft, fluffy weapon you’ve just given yourself an unfair advantage.

3. Your battleground: Choose where you have your pillow fight carefully. With all that swinging and jumping around, it’s easy to break something.

4. Don’t make a mess: You may have seen in movies how pillow fighting will often lead to a mess of feathers falling through the air. Fortunately, modern pillows are stitched incredibly well and a blow out is rare. That said, if a pillow does burst, it’s time to stop. After all, someone has to clean up that mess.

5. Who Wins: In order to avoid arguments post-fight, figure out how you will determine the winner before you begin. You could instigate a point-system such as two points for every time your partner hits the ground or one point every time your partner cries out for mercy.

6. Play Nice: The final rule is also the most important. Pillow fighting is just a game. If the game turns nasty, it’s time to stop.

Pillow Fighting Games

Tired of simply beating each other senseless with pillows? Why not add a challenge by competing in the following pillow fighting games:

1. King of the ring

Exactly as it sounds. First one to fall to the floor loses. Similar to the Royal Rumble in wrestling, if you are thrown from the ring… you’re out!

If there are only two pillow fighters you can set yourself up on your couch. Both fighters start at either ends of the couch and attempt to knock each other to the floor using only their pillows.

If you have more people involved, a bed really is the only way to go. Each pillow fighter takes a position, evenly spaced, around the bed. Again, all fighters attempt to knock each other off the bed until a single winner remains.

2. Sure Grip

A no hold bars match where the first person to drop their pillow is the loser. If more than one person is fighting, each person who drops their pillow is eliminated until there is only one person left holding their pillow.

Holding, pulling or knocking your opponents pillow with your free hand will result in disqualification.

An added twist on this pillow fight is to make it so that you cannot touch your own pillow with your free hand. This added twist will make readjusting your grip on your pillow much more difficult. To win this game you will need to start the fight with a firm and comfortable grip on your pillow.

Hint: adding a pillow sham to your pillow will give you more surface area to hold on to.

3. Pillow Accordion

Just like it takes two hands to play an accordion, it takes two hands to pillow fight.

All players must keep both hands on their pillows for the entire fight. The moment a hand comes free, that player is eliminated from the fight. The fight continues until there is one person left who has kept a grip of their pillow the entire fight.

4. Pillow Ninja

The lost art of two pillowed fighting.

Each contestant holds a pillow in either hand. Blows are exchanged until one of the fighters drops a pillow. That person is then eliminated. The game continues until there is one person left holding two pillows.

5. Wild West Showdown

This pillow fight game only has two players. Both fighters position themselves opposite each other on the end. Resting on your knees but sitting upright, get as close to the edge of the bed as you can without falling off.

On the count of three, both contestants swing at each other at the same time. Who ever doesn’t fall is the winner.

If neither person falls, examine your sitting position, the idea is to sit as close to the edge of the bed as possible, so that one hit will push you off.

6. Pitch Black Pillow Fight

Want the ultimate challenge? Try having a pillow fight where you cannot see your opponent.

To block out the light, all fighters wear sleep masks. The result is a pillow fight in perfect darkness. No peaking!

Need a good sleep mask? Check out our review of the top sleep masks.

Personalize Your Pillow Fighting

You may think that all pillow fights are the same—grab a feathery weapon and start whacking your opponent until they hit the ground. But there can be so much more to this classic bedroom romp! Come up with some signature moves to really up your pillow fighting game and make it one all your own.

How about a two-handed thwack where you bring the pillow down over your head directly on to your opponents? BOOM! Or maybe try naming a move where you continually attack your opponent’s headspace, perhaps “Light’s Out”.

Don’t forget to have fun by coming up with your ‘stage name’ for your pillow fight extravaganza. My nephew deemed himself the Pillow Pooper Scooper. Don’t ask because I really have no idea how he came up with that but it sounded cute. Pillow fighting is good and silly fun. Choose a name that suits.

pillow fighting with strangers

In recent years, pillow fighting has gone way beyond the bedroom and become somewhat of a trending worldwide phenomenon.

Claiming the title of the world’s largest flash mob, in 2008 a giant pillow fight flash mob occurred in Trafalgar Square. This was definitely one of the largest public pillow fights to ever occur, prompting a pillow fight trend that spread throughout the world.2

Since this 2008 pillow fight spectacle, pillow fights have been gaining popularity at an impressive rate.

Pillow Fight NYC 2016 drew in nearly 10,000 people urging attendees to come “forget their stress and adult worries and (softly) pummel strangers.”3

And then there is professional pillow fighting.

Roblox pillow fight simulator how to get free pillows without

Every summer the World Pillow Fight Championships take place.

Originating in Kenwood, California, the event was originally used to help raise funds to make improvements to the town. 50 years later and travellers from all over the world come to try their hand in the worlds largest pillow fighting competition.4

Contestants sit with a pole between their legs that hovers over a mud pit. The two contestants exchange pillow blows until one of them loses their balance and topples into the mud below.

The competition continues until there is an overall winner who is then crowned the world pillow fight champion.

Roblox Pillow Fight Simulator How To Get Free Pillows Decorative

Who knew that the simple act of pillow fighting had such a depth to it? If you are like me and associated pillow fighting with girly sleepovers and overly sexualized movie scenes… it’s time to change your way of thinking. Pillow fights are now a legitimate form of stress relief, calorie-busting cardio, and a means to bring people together to celebrate community, family, and freedom. At least according to the World Pillow Fighting Championships. But I’ll take it. Will you?

Roblox Pillow Fight Simulator How To Get Free Pillows Without

Have you recently had a pillow fight? I would love to hear about it. Share your pillow fight story in the comments below!