Roblox Twisted Murderer How To Get Free Credits

Mar 8th, 2018

Roblox Twisted Murderer How To Get Free Credits Free

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Best place to get scripts. Twisted Murderer is another game of the Murder Game series, and is made by Taymaster. It has gradually declined, and it is no longer seen on the front page. It is said that FamedChris has worked on that game with Taymaster. He has not Hade time to update the game due to Mad City Business.

  1. -- Game Link:
  2. -- Admin: loadstring(game:GetObjects('rbxassetid://1487052360')[1].Source)()
  4. -- kill (plr) | kills a person
  5. -- loopkill (plr) | loop kills a person, also if they leave and rejoin it'll give it back to them.
  6. -- goto (plr) | tp to someone
  7. -- radio (plr) (number) | plays sick beats
  8. -- radioban (plr) | makes the user unable to play sounds through their radio
  9. -- damage (plr) (number) | basically you can damage down someone to a curtain amount of health
  10. -- admin (plr) | yes, you can admin your friends, but they're not able to use local commands such as Walkspeed, Invis, etc.
  11. -- unadmin (plr) | Self explainitory, just unadmins a person you admin'd.
  13. -- noclothes | makes you naked, don't question why i made this a command.
  14. -- nohats | removes your hats
  15. -- ws me (number) | sets your walkspeed
  16. -- invis | makes you invisible.
  17. -- save | Saves your tools, type ;get to recieve them.
  18. -- get | recieves the tools you saved using ;save
  19. -- twerk | makes your character twerk.
  20. -- spin | makes you do a cool spining glitchy animation thingy my bobby............ yeah..
  21. -- respawn | makes your character respawn.
  22. -- ibtools | gives you a unique type of BTools.
  23. -- Hatspin | makes your hats spin around you.
  24. -- View (plr) | no real point since there is a spectate button but still, why not.
  25. -- Drop | Drops all the tools in your inventory by parenting the tools to workspace.
  26. -- If you really want to you can do silent commands by doing:
RAW Paste Data
Jul 7th, 2016

Roblox Twisted Murderer How To Get Free Credits Online

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  1. a=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chance
  2. wait()
  3. end
  4. Anti Exploit:
  5. antiKek={'AntiSpeedHack','AntiDataTheft','UI','NO FF','NO FF'}
  6. while wait() do
  7. local Gui = Player.PlayerGui
  8. if Gui:FindFirstChild(v) then
  9. end
  10. end
  11. Give Credit to 1 Player
  12. plr.DATA.Credits.Value=plr.DATA.Credits.Value+HOWMUCHYOUWANTTOGIVE -- change + to a - if you want to remove credits instead of give
  13. plr.DATA.RealCredits.Value = plr.DATA.Credits.Value + 950000
  14. MVP Door:
  15. Door.Script:Remove()
  17. a.TextLabel.Text = 'Door unlocked by '
  18. a.TextLabel.TextLabel.Text = 'Door unlocked by '
  19. for i,v in pairs(a.TextLabel.TextLabel:children') do
  20. end
  21. Unlock Everything:
  22. for i, v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop:GetChildren()) do
  23. t:Clone().Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.DATA.Backpack
  24. end

Roblox Twisted Murderer How To Get Free Credits Without


Roblox Twisted Murderer How To Get Free Credits Needed